Gofynion addysg a hyfforddiant (o fis Mawrth 2021)

Updated education and training requirements

Fel rhan o'n Hadolygiad Strategol Addysg, rydym wedi diweddaru ein gofynion addysg a hyfforddiant ar gyfer cymwysterau a gymeradwywyd gan GOC ar gyfer: 

Maent yn disodli'r Llawlyfr Sicrwydd Ansawdd Addysg cyfredol ar gyfer optometreg (2015) a dosbarthu offthalmig (2011), Llawlyfr Presgripsiynu Annibynnol (2008), a Llawlyfr Lens Cyswllt (2007). Mae'r gofynion newydd yn sicrhau bod gan bob gweithiwr proffesiynol optegol yr offer i ddarparu gwasanaethau gofal llygaid mewn tirwedd sy'n newid yn gyflym a diwallu anghenion cleifion yn y dyfodol.

Gwyliwch ein fideo byr isod am fwy o wybodaeth.

Background information

We have also produced a timeline graphic which illustrates the journey to the introduction and implementation of the new ETR, including key milestones such as the Education Strategic Review (ESR) and various consultations on our proposals. View the timeline graphic.

To learn more about the new requirements and the changes introduced, see our Key Changes infographic

Gwneud cais am, neu addasu, i'r gofynion newydd

Os ydych yn ceisio cael cymeradwyaeth neu addasu cymhwyster sy'n bodoli eisoes, cysylltwch â'r Tîm Addysg yn gyntaf drwy education@optical.org i drafod y broses ac i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.

Gellir dod o hyd i'r holl ddogfennau, ffurflenni a thempledi cysylltiedig sydd eu hangen i gael cymeradwyaeth ar gyfer neu addasu cymhwyster sy'n bodoli eisoes gan ddefnyddio'r dolenni cymhwyster perthnasol uchod.

Unwaith y byddwn yn fodlon bod cymhwyster presennol yn gallu bodloni'r gofynion addysg a hyfforddiant wedi'u diweddaru, byddwn yn ei 'nodi'. Mae hyn yn golygu ein bod wedi adolygu'r cynlluniau manwl o sut y bydd cymhwyster addasedig y darparwr yn bodloni'r gofynion newydd ac wedi nodi'r newidiadau hyn. Nid ydym yn defnyddio'r derminoleg 'cymeradwyaeth' yn y broses hon gan fod y cymhwyster eisoes yn dal cymeradwyaeth GOC.

Adaptation documentation 

Up to December 2023, existing providers were required to complete either form 2A, 2B or 2C (dependant on profession or specialty) to notify the GOC of their proposed adaptation plans. However, we have chosen to merge these into one ‘Adaptation Form’ which is now available for use (from December 2023). This was developed to streamline our approach and to allow providers to include more than one profession/specialty together into their new, adapted qualification should they wish to. The merged form has been developed to cover the same areas of focus as the existing form 2A, 2B or 2C and can now be used by all providers looking to submit their qualification adaptation, regardless of profession or specialty.  

A guidance document was created alongside the form to provide support and explanation of what we are expecting in each section of the adaptation form; it is recommended that the guidance document is consulted whilst completing the form. Please find the merged adaptation form and the accompanying guidance below: 

Er ein bod yn annog darparwyr i ddefnyddio'r ffurflen addasu unedig newydd, byddwn yn dal i dderbyn cyflwyniadau gan ddefnyddio'r fersiynau blaenorol Ffurflen 2A, 2B, neu 2C.  

Ffurflen Datganiad Cau

To ensure the Education department have a clear understanding and oversight of provider plans for all existing handbook qualifications, we have developed the Declaration of Closure form with the expectation that providers will complete the form to evidence their plans for teaching out any iterations of a qualification(s) that will not be adapted to the ETRs. This form will also be available to complete for the closure, suspension or teaching out of any qualifications and not just for those adapting. Please find the Declaration of Closure form and accompanying guidance below:

Cymwysterau sy'n cael eu darparu o dan y gofynion newydd


Dosbarthu Opteg 

Cyflenwad Ychwanegol, Rhagnodi Atodol a/neu Bresgripsiynu Annibynnol 

  • Aston University - Independent Prescribing for Optometrists - from October 2023
  • Cardiff University - Postgraduate Certificate in Independent Prescribing for Optometrists - from September 2024
  • Glasgow Caledonian University - Postgraduate Diploma in Independent Prescribing for Optometrists (PgDip IP) - from January 2026

Cwestiynau a ofynnir yn aml 

Gweler ein tudalen Cwestiynau Cyffredin am fwy o wybodaeth am y gofynion newydd.