Standards for optical businesses (effective from 1 January 2025)

Standards for optical businesses (effective from 1 January 2025)

Our Standards for Optical Businesses define the standards that we expect of optical businesses to protect the public and promote high standards of care.

The General Optical Council (GOC)

The GOC’s role as the UK regulator for the optical professions gives us statutory responsibility for setting standards. Our over-arching statutory objective is the protection of the public and in pursuing this objective we are required to promote and maintain proper standards of conduct for business registrants.

How do I use and apply the standards?

Mae'r ddogfen hon yn nodi'r 12 safon y mae'n rhaid i chi eu bodloni fel busnes optegol cofrestredig. Nid yw'r safonau hyn wedi'u rhestru yn nhrefn blaenoriaeth ac maent yn cynnwys safonau sy'n ymwneud ag ymddygiad a gofal clinigol.

Mae'r safonau wedi'u cynllunio i:

  • Set out our expectations clearly.
  • Take account of the fast pace of change within the optical sector.
  • Reflect changing public expectations, including the importance of candour and consent.
  • Sicrhau cysondeb â'r safonau a osodwyd gennym ar gyfer ymarferwyr unigol; a
  • Adlewyrchu yn bennaf yr hyn sy'n arfer da eisoes.

These standards provide a framework that enables you to apply your professional judgement and consider how to apply them within the context of your business. To assist you in doing so, we have provided additional information about our expectations under each standard. When thinking about how to apply a standard to your business, you may wish to consider whether your peers would take the same approach, and how you would justify your approach if challenged.

I bwy mae'r safonau hyn yn berthnasol?

These standards apply to all optical businesses who are registered with the GOC.

Bydd cydymffurfio â'r safonau yn galluogi busnesau i gynorthwyo, annog a chefnogi optometryddion unigol, gan ddosbarthu optegwyr a myfyrwyr i gydymffurfio â'u safonau proffesiynol unigol, ac wrth wneud hynny, sicrhau eu bod yn darparu gofal o ansawdd da i gleifion ac yn hyrwyddo proffesiynoldeb.

We are seeking an extension of our powers so that we can require all optical businesses carrying out restricted functions to register with us. Compulsory registration will better protect the public by ensuring a consistent approach to those activities that tend to be within the control of businesses as opposed to individual registrants.

Pan fyddwn yn dweud 'chi' yn y ddogfen hon, rydym yn golygu:

  • You, the body corporate.
  • Rydych chi, cyfarwyddwr neu swyddog cyfrifol busnes optegol (p'un a ydych yn optometrydd cofrestredig neu'n optegydd dosbarthu cofrestredig ai peidio).

Er eglurder, nid yw 'chi' yn cyfeirio at rywun sy'n gyflogai i'r busnes yn unig ac nad oes ganddo unrhyw bŵer a/neu reolaeth ariannol dros y busnes.

Rydych chi'n gyfrifol yn broffesiynol am yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wneud, neu ddim yn ei wneud. Mae hyn yn golygu bod yn rhaid i chi allu cyfiawnhau eich penderfyniadau a'ch gweithredoedd bob amser.

Pan fyddwn yn dweud 'staff' yn y ddogfen hon, rydym yn golygu unrhyw un sy'n gweithio yng nghyd-destun y busnes yn unrhyw un o'r galluoedd canlynol:

  • Optometrists and dispensing opticians including independent prescribers (IPs), contact lens opticians (CLOs) and locums.
  • Student optometrists and student dispensing opticians.
  • Other regulated healthcare professionals such as ophthalmic medical practitioners (OMPs).
  • Optical assistants or similar titles performing the duties of an optical assistant.
  • Unrhyw staff eraill y gallai eu rolau gael effaith ar ofal cleifion, er enghraifft, staff derbyn.

Mae defnyddio'r term 'staff cofrestredig' yn cyfeirio at yr unigolion hynny sydd wedi'u cofrestru gyda'r GOC fel optometryddion, optegwyr dosbarthol, optometryddion myfyrwyr neu optegwyr dosbarthu myfyrwyr, neu unrhyw aelod arall o staff sydd wedi'u cofrestru gyda rheoleiddiwr gofal iechyd statudol.

Mae'n anghyfreithlon i optometryddion, dosbarthu optegwyr, optegwyr myfyrwyr, optegwyr myfyrwyr ac optegwyr sy'n dosbarthu myfyrwyr ymarfer yn y DU heb gofrestru gyda'r GOC.

Rôl y busnes optegol

Fel darparwr gofal iechyd, mae gan eich busnes gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau gofal a diogelwch cleifion a'r cyhoedd a chynnal safonau proffesiynol.

Gofal, lles a diogelwch cleifion fydd eich pryder cyntaf. Mae'r egwyddor hon wrth wraidd y proffesiynau gofal iechyd.

Healthcare professionals, optometrists, dispensing opticians and optical students who work within the context of your business also have a responsibility to ensure the care and safety of their patients and the public, and to uphold their own professional standards. For optometrists, dispensing opticians and optical students, these responsibilities are set out in the Standards of Practice for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians, and Standards for Optical Students, which are complementary to this document and should be read in parallel. The business has a part to play in facilitating professionals’ abilities to meet their own professional standards when they are working within the context of that business. Both individuals and businesses need to work together to meet their respective standards in order to ensure the care and safety of patients and the public.

Even if some members of staff do not have direct contact with patients, their decisions, behaviour and/or working environment can still affect patient care and safety. Your business and your staff may also have other requirements to adhere to if you or they provide NHS services and, if this is the case, you should ensure that they are met.

Os yw'ch busnes yn ymwneud â darparu'r llwybr addysg, megis darparu lleoliadau clinigol dan oruchwyliaeth i fyfyrwyr optegol, mae hyn yn gyfrifoldeb pwysig a dylech weithio'n agos gyda darparwyr addysg i sicrhau bod rhwymedigaethau'n cael eu bodloni.

Pan fydd pryderon

Os bydd rhywun yn mynegi pryderon am eich addasrwydd i barhau â busnes, byddwn yn cyfeirio at y safonau hyn wrth benderfynu a oes angen i ni gymryd unrhyw gamau. Efallai y bydd angen i chi ddangos bod eich penderfyniadau wedi'i lywio gan y safonau hyn a'ch bod wedi gweithredu er budd gorau eich cleifion a'r cyhoedd.

Y safonau

The standards are separated into three key areas: your patients, your culture and governance, and your staff.

As a registered optical business you must ensure that, in relation to:

  1. Your patients:
    • Patients can expect to be safe in your care.
    • Patient care in delivered in a suitable environment.
    • Communication is clear and effective; and
    • Patients can give valid consent to treatment.
  1. Your culture and governance:
    • The services you provide are open and transparent.
    • You ensure compliance with relevant regulations.
    • You have a system of clinical governance in place; and
    • Confidentiality is respected.
  1. Your staff:
    • Staff are able to exercise their professional judgement.
    • Staff are suitably trained, qualified and registered.
    • Staff are adequately supervised and supported; and
    • Staff collaborate with others, where appropriate.