Safonau ymarfer ar gyfer optometryddion ac optegwyr dosbarthu

9. Sicrhau bod goruchwyliaeth yn cael ei chyflawni'n briodol ac yn cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith

This applies to supervision of pre-registration trainees and unregistered colleagues undertaking delegated activities. The responsibility to ensure that supervision does not compromise patient care and safety is shared between the supervisor and those being supervised. Adequate supervision requires you to:

9.1 Be sufficiently qualified and experienced to undertake the functions you are supervising.

9.2 Only delegate to those who have appropriate qualifications, knowledge or skills to perform the delegated activity.

9.3 Be on the premises, in a position to oversee the work undertaken and ready to intervene if necessary in order to protect patients.

9.4 Retain clinical responsibility for the patient. When delegating you retain responsibility for the delegated task and for ensuring that it has been performed to the appropriate standard.

9.5 Take all reasonable steps to prevent harm to patients arising from the actions of those being supervised.

9.6 Comply with all legal requirements governing the activity.

9.7 Ensure that details of those being supervised or performing delegated activities are recorded on the patient record.