Standards of practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians (effective from 1 January 2025)

Standards of practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians (effective from 1 January 2025)

Standards of Practice

Our Standards of Practice define the standards of behaviour and performance we expect of all registered optometrists and dispensing opticians.

The General Optical Council

The General Optical Council is the UK regulator for the optical professions with statutory responsibility for setting standards.

This document sets out the nineteen standards that you must meet as an optical professional. These standards are not listed in order of priority and include both standards relating to your behaviour and your professional performance. You will need to use your professional judgement in deciding how to meet the standards. To help you in doing so, we have provided additional information about what we expect of you under each standard. In relation to a small number of standards we may produce supplementary material where we feel that registrants need additional support.

Eich rôl fel gweithiwr proffesiynol

Fel gweithiwr gofal iechyd proffesiynol, mae gennych gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau gofal a diogelwch eich cleifion a'r cyhoedd a chynnal safonau proffesiynol.

Rydych chi'n gyfrifol yn broffesiynol ac yn bersonol gyfrifol am eich ymarfer ac am yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wneud neu ddim yn ei wneud, ni waeth pa gyfarwyddyd neu arweiniad a roddir i chi gan gyflogwr neu gydweithiwr. Mae hyn yn golygu bod yn rhaid i chi allu cyfiawnhau eich penderfyniadau a'ch gweithredoedd bob amser.

You must comply with all legal requirements that apply to you, including but not limited to, legislation relating to equalities, health and safety, data protection, medicines, and consumer protection. If you provide national health services, you should adhere to any additional requirements.

All registrants are expected to demonstrate leadership skills, attributes and behaviours, relevant to their scope of practice. Examples of when registrants could demonstrate leadership include adopting a collaborative approach to practice, role modelling professional behaviours, suggesting innovative solutions to problems and supporting the education and training of others. Leadership skills, attributes and behaviours are embedded throughout the standards and relate to all aspects of your work.

Os bydd rhywun yn mynegi pryderon am eich addasrwydd i ymarfer, byddwn yn cyfeirio at y safonau hyn wrth benderfynu a oes angen i ni gymryd unrhyw gamau. Bydd angen i chi ddangos bod eich penderfyniadau wedi'i lywio gan y safonau hyn a'ch bod wedi gweithredu er budd gorau eich cleifion.

Gwneud gofalu am eich cleifion yn bryder cyntaf a phwysig

Gofal, lles a diogelwch cleifion fydd eich pryder cyntaf. Mae hyn wrth wraidd bod yn weithiwr gofal iechyd. Hyd yn oed os nad oes gennych gyswllt uniongyrchol â chleifion, gall eich penderfyniadau neu ymddygiad barhau i effeithio ar eu gofal a'u diogelwch.

Consider and respond to the needs of patients who, due to their personal circumstances, are in need of particular care, support or protection or at risk of abuse and neglect. Patients may be vulnerable for a range of reasons, including physical or mental health conditions, capability in managing their health, or handling a difficult set of life events. Levels of vulnerability may vary between contexts, and change over time, so consider a patient's vulnerabilities as part of each consultation.

Y safonau

As an optometrist or dispensing optician you must:

1. Listen to patients and ensure that they are at the heart of the decisions made about their care

2. Cyfathrebu'n effeithiol gyda'ch cleifion

3. Cael caniatâd dilys

4. Dangos gofal a thosturi i'ch cleifion

5. Cadw eich gwybodaeth a'ch sgiliau yn gyfredol

6. Cydnabod a gweithio o fewn eich terfynau cymhwysedd

7. Cynnal asesiadau, arholiadau, triniaethau ac atgyfeiriadau priodol

8. Cynnal cofnodion cleifion digonol

9. Sicrhau bod goruchwyliaeth yn cael ei chyflawni'n briodol ac yn cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith

10. Gweithio ar y cyd â chydweithwyr er budd cleifion

11. Protect and safeguard patients, colleagues and others from harm

12. Ensure a safe environment for your patients

13. Dangos parch a thegwch i eraill a pheidiwch â gwahaniaethu

14. Cynnal cyfrinachedd a pharchu preifatrwydd eich cleifion

15. Cynnal ffiniau priodol gydag eraill

16. Byddwch yn onest ac yn ddibynadwy

17. Peidiwch â niweidio enw da eich proffesiwn drwy eich ymddygiad

18. Ymateb i gwynion yn effeithiol

19. Byddwch yn gandryll pan fydd pethau wedi mynd o chwith

You will need to use your professional judgement in deciding how to meet the standards. To help you in doing so, the next section provides more detail about what we expect of you in relation to each standard.