Safonau ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Optegol

6. Cynnal asesiadau, arholiadau, triniaethau ac atgyfeiriadau priodol o dan oruchwyliaeth

Byddwch yn datblygu eich sgiliau clinigol yn ystod eich hyfforddiant, gan ddod yn fwy hyfedr wrth i chi agosáu at ddiwedd eich astudiaethau. Fel rhan o'ch hyfforddiant, byddwch yn cymhwyso'r sgiliau clinigol hyn mewn lleoliad bywyd go iawn o dan gyfarwyddyd eich tiwtor neu'ch goruchwyliwr yn raddol gan gymryd mwy o gyfrifoldeb dros gleifion wrth i'ch sgiliau ddatblygu. Ar y cyd â'ch tiwtor neu oruchwyliwr:

6.1 Conduct an adequate assessment for the purposes of the optical consultation, including where necessary any relevant medical, family, and social history of the patient. This may include current symptoms, personal beliefs, cultural factors, or vulnerabilities.

6.2 Provide or arrange any further examinations, advice, investigations or treatment if required for your patient. This should be done in a timescale that does not compromise patient safety and care.

6.3 Only prescribe appliances, drugs, or treatment when you have adequate knowledge of the patient’s health.

6.4 Check that the care and treatment you provide for each patient is compatible with any other treatments the patient is receiving, including (where possible) over-the-counter medications.

6.5 Provide effective patient care and treatments based on current good practice.

6.6 Only provide or recommend examinations, treatments, drugs or appliances if these are clinically justified and in the best interests of the patient. Give patients information about all the relevant options available to them, including the option of no further treatment or intervention, in a way they can understand.

6.7 When in doubt, consult with your tutor or supervisor appropriately for advice on assessment, examination, treatment and other aspects of patient care, bearing in mind the need for patient confidentiality.

6.8 Apply your professional judgement when utilising data generated by digital technologies to inform decision making.