Safonau ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Optegol

2. Cyfathrebu'n effeithiol gyda'ch cleifion

2.1 Give patients information in a way they can understand. Work with your tutor to achieve this.

2.2. Identify yourself and your role and advise patients who will provide their care. Explain to patients what to expect from the consultation and ensure they have an opportunity to ask questions or change their mind before proceeding.

2.3 Bod yn effro i arwyddion di-lais a allai ddangos diffyg dealltwriaeth, anghysur neu ddiffyg caniatâd claf.

2.4 Develop and use appropriate communication skills to communicate effectively with patients and their carers, colleagues and others. Consult your tutor or supervisor when unsure of how to proceed.

2.5 Ensure that patients or their carers have all the information they need to safely use, administer or look after appliances, drugs or other treatment that has been prescribed or they have been directed to use in order to manage their eye conditions. This includes being actively shown how to use any of the above.

2.6 Bod yn sensitif a chefnogol wrth ddelio â pherthnasau neu bobl eraill sy'n agos at y claf.